Please support our artist community! Follow them online to learn more about their work using the links in their profiles. These artists are typically available for freelance work as noted in their Adobe Behance profiles. The Alt Propulsion Engineering Conference (APEC) is proud to support their creative expression, but does not have any business relationship with them. All artist renderings are the property of their respective owners, and are used with written constent by the artists & owners. Attribution will be found directly below the art, or the case of heading images, you can find it at the bottom of the page it is placed on due to technical limitations. We just love their vision!

Bob Ranew can do anything. He’s one of those guys. He’s an amazing illustrator, photographer, art director, designer, motorcycle builder, and now a fearless entrepreneur. Bob’s work has been awarded by The One Show, the Clios, D&AD, Cannes, Communication Arts, and The Art Directors Club of New York. [Baldwin& Studios / Raleigh, NC] – Adobe Behance Profile / The One Club Awards

Vadim Sadovski is an absolute powerhouse when it comes to digital art. His work is featured across the web on platforms including ArtStation, Behance, Unsplash, Fiverr, Rarible, Foundation, OpenSea, Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, as well as social media platforms including Instagram, YouTube, and more. He’s created hundreds of detailed illustrations depicting new space, the galaxy, science & technology innovation, and humanity’s life in the stars. [Freelance / Delaware, USA] – Adobe Behance Profile / Linktree Profile

Tobias Roetsch is a prolific graphic designer & photographer who avoids AI artwork in favor of hands-on, soulful work depicting scenes from space & science-fiction, as part of his exploration of what life can be like in the future. His work is featured on platforms including ArtStation, Behance, Deviant Art, Fine Art America, Great Big Canvas, Astrography, and more – and he has a full collection of downloadable wallpapers online on his homepage at GT Graphics. [GT Graphics / Dresden, Germany] – Adobe Behance Profile / GT Graphics Online

Bert Willemsen is an up & coming digital artist from the Netherlands with cross-genre work including incredibly detailed space art, as well as imagery & illustrations on robotics, cyberpunk, and emerging technologies, as well as the future life on Earth. His work can be found on Artstation, Behance, Gumroad, Instagram and more. [Freelance / Ede, Netherlands] – Adobe Behance Profile / Linktree Profile

Ilya Nodia is a truly remarkable cross-disciplinary artist who started in photography and added digital imagery, 3D rendering, filmmaking and more to his creative repertoire. His work can be found on Behance, YouTube, his website and more. Check out his massive collection of 3D artistic storytelling online, incorporating elements from pop-culture, science-fiction, commercial marketing, and much more. [Freelance / Stuttgart, Germany] – Adobe Behance Profile / Ilya Nodia Online

Maxim Goudin is an amazing digital artist and multi-disciplinary expert in 3D imagery, including art direction, concepts, direction, interactive, storylines, style frames, branding, and more.  His work can be found on Behance, Stash Media, Cargo, Bakmagazine, the IMDB, Instagram, Vimeo and his website. Check out his massive collection of 3D artistic storytelling online, incorporating elements from fashion, science-fiction, commercial digital marketing, and more. [Freelance / Ukraine] – Adobe Behance Profile / Maxim Goudin Online

All stock art, video presentations, and other artistic elements used on the Alt Propulsion Engineering Conference (APEC) website are used under license by respective vendors. All artist renderings are the property of their respective owners, and are used with written constent by the artists & owners.